Tuesday 31 March 2015

Mar 30, 2015

Task 1:

Read the list below and answer these questions:
1.        Do you know all the nine essential skills?
2.        Underline which one best describe you better:  expert - good - intermediate - beginner -  no knowledge
3.        Which of these skills you need to work on the most?

Essential Skills refer to the nine skills and abilities that are essential to success in Canadian occupations. The Government of Canada has compiled detailed lists, called Essential Skills Profiles (ESPs), of how workers in hundreds of jobs use these nine skills.

Nine Essential Skills:

• Reading Text    beginner
• Document Use      intermediate
• Numeracy           expert
• Writing             beginner
• Oral Communication     good
• Work with Others     good
• Thinking Skills       good
• Computer Use        good
• Continuous Learning     intermediate

Task 2:

Complete an Essential Skills self-assessment:
Complete an Essential Skills self-assessment:

Strengths: I am confident that I can ...
1.      Numeracy
2.       Work with others
3.       Computer Use
Areas for Improvement: I would like to improve my ability to/on …
      1.   Reading text
      2.   Writing
4.       Document Use

Wednesday 25 March 2015

mar 25,2015


By Mark Benner

Do you hear me? Think how many times you’ve heard someone use that phrase out of anger or frustration. Maybe it was a parent upset at their child. Perhaps it was a boss at work, trying to emphasize or re-emphasize a certain point. Now try to think of just one time when that phrase actually improved understanding of the issue at hand. Chances are you can’t do it. Chances are it only made things worse. That’s because in everyday conversation, the actual words that come out of someone’s mouth often have very little to do with the message that is received. Communication breakdowns happen constantly, and for a wide variety of reasons. We misinterpret intentions because words can only do so much to promote understanding. If words aren't accompanied by a shared understanding of other areas such as culture, life experience, and personal style – or, at an absolute minimum, awareness on both sides that these differences can exist and will themselves have an impact – then the result can be a communication catastrophe. In some cultures, silence means disapproval; depending on the social position of the speakers, it would be far too rude to disagree or turn down a request in public. Yet in other cultures silence can be taken as assent. It’s assumed that if someone didn't like what was happening, they’d let you know. When these two cultures clash, it’s no wonder there are misunderstandings! Each culture has its own communication conventions or rules: about how often we make eye contact, how we express politeness, how loudly we speak, how we interpret silence, how directly or indirectly we make a request or let someone know what we want, how close we stand when speaking to one another, how much information we share, how we motivate others, how we argue or how we complain. Some cultures may perceive indirectness as dishonest; others may perceive it as polite. As a result, someone who makes requests directly (Please write this report today) may be annoyed by someone who uses indirect requests (This report needs to be written today). Paying attention to body language and seeking clarification can help overcome some of these misunderstandings. Gender can also influence how we communicate. Author John Gray suggests men and women think differently, have different emotional needs and express these needs differently … so much that they can seem like they are from different planets (hence one of his book titles, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.) Gray claims that when talking about problems or frustrations, women will listen and empathize while men will offer solutions. Similarly, author Deborah Tannen claims that the language between women is mostly “rapport talk,” used to build bonds of friendship, trust and understanding. Language between men is “report talk” – used to provide information to get something accomplished. While these generalizations about gender and cultural influences are helpful, they are only generalizations. In other words, when it comes down to a particular phone conversation, a chance encounter on the street or an office meeting, making assumptions can be risky. Putting too much stock in generalizations can lead to stereotyping … and at that point the roadblocks to understanding start piling on top of each other. But awareness of differences is only a precondition for understanding, not a guarantee it will happen. When that awareness of differences is accompanied by a commitment to explain and clarify your intentions, and to request the same of others, you’re getting somewhere. Arriving at a shared understanding is not an easy process, but well worth the effort!!

Task 1:

Below are words from the article. Write the correct letter on each line to match the words with their meanings.

1. intention                     k
a. to explain, make clear
2. assume                        g
b. to give a wrong meaning to; misunderstand
3. empathize                    e
c. to call attention to; make important
4. disapproval                  d
d. lack of approval
5. misinterpret                 b
e. to understand another’s feelings or motives
6. emphasize                   c
f. a general rule or idea that is inferred from particular facts or examples
7. clarify                         e
g. accepted to be true without proof
8. rapport                        j
h. an oversimplified mental picture of a group of people
9. stereotype                   h
i. to help something happen
10. claim                         a
j. a harmonious relationship with someone
11. promote                     i
k. to maintain; say as a fact
12. generalization              f
l. the purpose behind an action or statement

Task 2:

Write a noun for each of the verbs below. Use either the noun or the verb form in sentences.





Tuesday 24 March 2015

24 march,2015

Match the words with their meanings and then put each in a sentence of your own:

1.     Scrub (v)
a)     to remove small pieces of dirt
2.     Dust (v)
b)    to clean a floor by using a broom or brush to collect dirt
3.     Baseboards (n)
c)     clean thoroughly by rubbing hard
4.     Sweep (v)
D)  to gather with a garden tool with a row of plastic or metal teeth at the head
5.     Rake (v)
e)     a piece of wood or molding attached along the bottom of a wall where it touches the floor

Task 2:

1. What does the boy want to do at the beginning of the conversation?
A. go play outside
B. watch TV
C. play video games

2. What is one thing the boy is NOT assigned to do around the house?
A. clean the garage
B. vacuum the floors
C. wash the walls

3. What does the boy have to do in his bedroom?
A. put away his books
B. make his bed
C. pick up his dirty clothes

4. What is the father going to do while the boy is doing his household chores?
A. wash the car
B. paint the house
C. work in the yard

5. Where will the father and son go after the housework is done?
A. to a movie
B. out to eat
C. to a ball game

Task 3:

Read the following questions and write one to two paragraphs as a response to the questions from your own point of view.

What are the different roles men and women play in carrying out housework? What do men usually do? And women? How have things changed or remained the same during the past thirty years or so in your country? Are children assigned chores to do around the house? Do everyday people hire housekeepers to do such housework?

     Men and women have different roles play in housework depend different country or area.In china,men always do some repairs work and some heavy housework.Women usualy do cooking,washing and taking care of kids. In the past thirty years men and women do the housework have never changed in our country.Children are assigned chores to do around the house. They are asked to make up their bed or wash their parents car.If some people are busy with their job,and they have no time to do housework,they will hire housekeepers to help them.They will spend money for their less housework time.

Monday 2 March 2015

March 2th 2015

Writing Practice
Task 1:

Prepositional Collocations: Complete the sentences below with the correct verb or adjective followed by an appropriate preposition (e.g., for, to, with, about).


1. I would like to ........apologize.......my absence at the meeting.
2. I am ......concerned......the lack of supervision in the playground.
3. I am writing to .........complain........the poor service I received at your store.
4. I am very ........sorry       for       .. not being able to meet the deadline.
5. We would like to ........invite......you.....for............ the ABC Company’s open house on Saturday, June 16 at 1:00 p.m.
6. I am writing to ..........apply  ......you the new budget proposal.
7. I would like to take this opportunity to ....thank...you ...for.....  being a loyal customer over the years.
8. I am .....updet..for........... finding out about the training programs that you offer.
9. I am very .....respond.....the way I was treated by one of your admin staff.
10. I am writing to.......thank for..................... the position you have available.
11. I am ...........interested...............your advertisement in the Globe and Mail on June 3, 2009.
12. I would like to ........ inquire........the position of Sales Manager that was advertised in the Kingston Whig Standard on September 31, 2010.

Task 2:

Pick one task only:
1.    Write a formal invitation for a group function (such as a company picnic, BBQ or potluck).
2.    Write a letter or email to a friend to describe feelings about a new home town, English class or job.
3.    Write a personal message to cancel an appointment. Express inability to keep the appointment, disappointment, and offer an apology.

     Dear Ms Wu:
            I'm sorry for telling you that I must cancel the appointment next Monday,because I must look after my kid in my home for his teacher will be absent next week.But I also want to make an appointment next Sunday at am9-pm3.Please email the time as soon as your possible. I'm really sorry for broken your schedule. I'm waiting for your reply.Thanks a lot.

4.    Write a personal note of sympathy to someone who has experienced a loss.

Task 3:

Ask two of your classmates to proofread your writing for you before you publish on your blog. Make sure to write their names as follows: ''Edited by:.........and ....................''